Radio program on survivors of domestic violence living with traumatic brain injury

woman speaking into a microphone

By Malayka Gormally. This article was initially published in our Concussion Update newsletter; please consider subscribing.

We recommend a 47-minute radio specialAn ''invisible epidemic'': Survivors of domestic violence on living with traumatic brain injury. The program is a feature of WBUR radio's On Point program and played on NPR across the United States.

A transcript of a portion of the radio special, the interview of a woman who survived intimate partner violence and brain injury, is in this article. The radio special and the article include details of physical abuse and may trigger some listeners.

The journalists interviewed Concussion Alliance Advisory Board Member Eve Valera, PhD; Dr. Valera is Associate Professor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a Research Scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital. The journalists also interviewed Rachel Ramirez, LCSW, founder/director of the Center on Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury, a project run by The Ohio Domestic Violence Network. 

For more information, see the Concussion Alliance page on Partner-Inflicted Brain Injuries.


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