Participate in an online study assessing neuropsychological symptoms that may be linked to your concussion history

a poster with a black background and white text, with an illustration of a human head and the brain inside. The text below the image is the same as on the poster

Are you between 18 and 65 and have experienced at least one concussion in the last five years? We invite you and a significant other (friend, partner, family member, etc.) to participate in an online study assessing neuropsychological symptoms that may be linked to your concussion history. The study takes 45-60 minutes per person, and each participant will receive a $12.50 virtual gift card. To enroll, you and your significant other should email the Principal Investigator ( your names, roles (individual with concussion history or significant other), email addresses, phone numbers, and your partner's name. Participants may be contacted by phone to verify their identity. For questions or to join the study, please get in touch with the PI via email.

Principal Investigator: Christine Mason, BA | Clinical Psychology Master’s Student | University of Colorado, Colorado Springs |


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