Adverse effects of soccer heading found in the same location as CTE pathology
A study found a link between soccer players with “a higher level of heading” and brain abnormalities in regions where Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) pathology is most often found.
Retired pro soccer players: heading frequency and player position associated with risk of cognitive impairment and dementia
A study published in JAMA Network Neurology found that “repetitive heading during a professional soccer career is associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment later in life” and self-reported dementias in retired male professional soccer players
Heading in soccer has detrimental effects on microscopic brain tissue structure integrity
A recent study presented at the Radiological Society of North America found a significant decline in the microscopic structural integrity of brain tissue and a decline in verbal learning performance for young adult amateur soccer players who performed a high number of headers over two years.
The Aerial program helps kids head the soccer ball safely
Given that collisions from heading are the main cause of concussions in soccer, the University of Washington Sports Institute saw a need for a program to help teach youth soccer players better heading techniques. As a result, they launched the Aerial program in collaboration with a former professional player and another organization.