
Sports Keya Mookencherry Sports Keya Mookencherry

Increased profile of “Q-Collar” invites further discussion

The Q-collar is commonly referred to as a concussion-prevention method, although the company says the Q-collar helps “protect the brain” of contact athletes over a season of play. However, limitations include not being “demonstrated to prevent long-term cognitive function deficits,” no evaluation of clinical outcome impacts, and the data not “demonstrating that the device can prevent concussion or serious brain injury.”

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Kira Kunzman Kira Kunzman

Synthetic fields: are they adding to concussion risk?

Ian K. Chun found that turf fields result in impact deceleration “as much as 23 g higher on artificial grass compared to natural surfaces.” The higher g forces may translate “to a theoretical increased risk of concussion due to contact with playing surfaces,” according to Chun.

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Ming Shen Ming Shen

Continuing debate about helmets in girls’ lacrosse

The use of helmets in women’s lacrosse continues to be a topic of significant debate, as helmets are not mandatory in women’s lacrosse but are required in men’s lacrosse. A 2015 study found that women’s lacrosse had the second-highest rate of concussions among a variety of high school and college sports.

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Youth Concussion Alliance Youth Concussion Alliance

First-ever systematic review of youth football concussion incidence rates and prevention strategies

Mark Patrick Pankow et al. conducted the first-ever systematic review and meta-analysis of “incidence rates, risk factors, and prevention of concussion and head impacts” in youth tackle football. Their review, published in Sports Medicine, was “also the first to produce a pooled estimate of concussion incidence rate by session type in football (i.e., games, practices).”

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