Study finds association between concussions and increased risk of suicidal behavior in U.S. high school students
U.S. high school students self-reporting ≥2 concussions were significantly more likely to report suicidal attempts, according to study.
Emotional distress is more closely associated with pessimism about recovery duration than with symptom severity or mental health history
A study found that patients’ expectations of their recovery duration had a larger impact on their mental health than their actual reported symptoms, number of concussions, or history of mental health concerns.
Updated concussion guidelines for youth returning to school
PedsConcussion, a living guideline for concussion treatment and recovery for kids and teens, has updated its guidelines for returning to school. The guideline now states that students can return to school when cognitive activities do not make symptoms worse, even if symptoms are still present.
Concussed students have not fared worse during the pandemic
A study found that “students who sustained a concussion during the pandemic did not report increased academic concerns or reduced QOL [quality of life] compared to those whose injury was prior to the pandemic.”