
Melissa Sodko Melissa Sodko

Not just for student-athletes anymore. Why an official Return-to-Learn (RTL) protocol is necessary for all college students

Developing and implementing an age-appropriate concussion return-to-learn (RTL) program for college students is an under-studied area in research. Through interviews with students and academic stakeholders, a study identified that, while college students felt supported by their instructors, academic faculty lacked the information on appropriate academic supports and pathways to facilitate an RTL process for the student.

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Kira Kunzman Kira Kunzman

Synthetic fields: are they adding to concussion risk?

Ian K. Chun found that turf fields result in impact deceleration “as much as 23 g higher on artificial grass compared to natural surfaces.” The higher g forces may translate “to a theoretical increased risk of concussion due to contact with playing surfaces,” according to Chun.

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Chad Foster and Padmini Konidena Chad Foster and Padmini Konidena

Allison Grossberg on Long-Covid and Brain Injury

In this interview, Allison Grossberg talks about her current study about long-Covid and its connection to brain injury. She discusses her personal history, the background of the study, a potential treatment option, the usefulness of biomarkers in long-Covid diagnosis and other applications, and the connections between long-Covid and concussions.

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Malayka Gormally Malayka Gormally

Concussion Alliance named Semifinalist in the BECU People Helping People Awards

Concussion Alliance has been named a Semifinalist in the BECU People Helping People Awards for the second year in a row. Boeing Employees’ Credit Union (BECU) describes this awards program as “an annual celebration of exceptional work within the communities we serve. We honor members and nonprofits that drive positive changes through service to others.”

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Josh Wu Josh Wu

Professional cyclist Lizzy Banks: “there’s not a book on how you treat concussion”

Cycling is the sport responsible for the highest number of concussion-related visits to emergency departments in the U.S. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of follow-through in terms of education about the injury and treatment options for cyclists. British 31-year-old professional cyclist Lizzy Banks can attest to the hardship of recovering from concussions in the biking community.

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