Governmental Treatment Centers
Below we’ve listed a range of treatment centers for service members, veterans, and their families that specifically treat traumatic brain injury, including mild traumatic brain injury.
VA Polytrauma/TBI System of Care
The VA has a national Polytrauma/TBI System of Care throughout the United States, providing state-of-the-art TBI diagnosis and rehabilitation.
This page has a map of the Polytrauma sites in the United States, and this page has a flow chart of the TBI System of Care.
The Polytrauma/TBI system has clinics that specialize in mTBI (concussion).
Polytrauma Support Clinic Teams (PSCT) provide outpatient interdisciplinary rehabilitation evaluation and treatment services. These clinics treat people with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI / concussion), moderate TBI, and patients with polytrauma (multiple injuries).
The PSCT web page lists the healthcare specialists available at these clinics; these providers are the types that are appropriate for multidisciplinary mTBI / concussion care.
There are 87 Polytrauma Support Clinic Teams (PSCT) located in VA medical centers across the country. The PSCTs provide specialized outpatient care.
Other government treatment centers, both inpatient and outpatient, for service members, veterans, and their families
Serving the eastern United States, the National Intrepid Center for Excellence (NICoE)
The National Intrepid Center for Excellence (NICoE) “helps service members and their families manage traumatic brain injury and psychological health” with a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to care. The NICoE center provides cutting-edge diagnostic evaluation, individualized treatment planning, clinical care, and research. There is a 4-week intensive outpatient care program as well. NICoE is an initiative of the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and is located in Bethesda, Maryland.
Serving Florida and surrounding regions:
Intrepid Spirit Concussion Recovery Center at the Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune is open to Active Duty Service Members, or TRICARE Prime Veterans enrolled in Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune and documented or suspected head injury or blast exposure within the past six years.
Post-Deployment Rehabilitation and Evaluation Program (PREP) in Tampa, Florida, “is an inpatient rehabilitation program that specializes in the evaluation and treatment of complex reactions and symptoms associated with possible mild TBI.” PREP features an interdisciplinary team that provides “comprehensive individualized evaluations and initiation of treatments for combat-related physical, cognitive, and mental health symptoms.” Read our blog post for more information.
Serving the western United States (Alaska, Hawaii, and the Pacific Region)
The Madigan Traumatic Brain Injury Program and Intrepid Spirit Center are located at the Madigan Army Medical Center in Washington State; the state-of-the-art facility opened in 2018.
The center serves “service members, retirees and families over the age of 18 throughout the western United States including Alaska, Hawaii and the Pacific region.” The team includes Primary Care, Neurology, Psychology, Neuropsychology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Neuro-Optometry (for diagnosis and treatment of visual problems due to brain injury), and Speech-Language Pathology (providing cognitive rehabilitation). Integrative modalities include acupuncture, clinical art therapy, massage therapy, and chiropractic therapy.
The Traumatic Brain Injury Program “provides individual treatment/services and group educational courses. Service Members learn a variety of strategies and skills that target their functional performance and learn how to implement these skills within their daily life and work. The goal of treatment is to return them to their highest possible level of functioning in their work, home, family and community.”
The Intrepid Spirit Program is “a multi-week interdisciplinary program for patients diagnosed with TBI and associated health conditions. Tailored treatment goals are created that focus on achievable functional goals involving the mind, body, and spirit. Patients learn self-management skills and tools to increase resilience, manage symptoms, and enhance their well-being long-term.