Happy Holidays! (12/26/19 newsletter)

We are grateful to contribute to the concussion world, and we are thankful for our readers who are patients and caregivers, healthcare providers, sports professionals, and researchers. We are thankful because

... you persevere in finding recovery options for yourself or your loved one
... you dedicate yourself to providing the highest level of healthcare
... you devote yourself to concussion care in sport as an athlete or coach
... you do groundbreaking research in the concussion field.

We appreciate your feedback and contributions. 

We are giving our team the week off to be with their families; our regular Weekly Concussion Update will be back next week. 

All the best,

Co-founders (and mother and son) Malayka and Conor Gormally

Mother-son team Malayka and Conor Gormally founded Concussion Alliance in April 2018, with the goal of making it easier for families to find treatments, particularly for persistent post-concussion symptoms. Our Weekly Concussion Update, launched in April 2019, aims to keep professionals as well as families updated on the latest in the concussion field.

Do you find the Weekly Concussion Update helpful? If so, forward this to a friend and suggest they subscribe.


NEW YEAR + INTERNS (1/2/20 newsletter)


Helping youth recover (12/19/19 newsletter)