Concussion Update Newsletter
See below for previous editions.
Our biweekly Concussion Update newsletter provides thoughtful synopses of new research, news related to concussions, listings of free webinars, and calls for study participants for research.
Medical marijuana decreases migraine length, frequency, severity, and disability level in patients (1/26/23 Newsletter)
Early return to school mitigates symptoms, NFL dangers, BPPV after concussion, natural remedies for concussion, vestibular rehabilitation helpful, Brain fog in concussion patients, academic experience after concussion, soccer players have worse brain health at 65
(1/12/23 Newsletter) New national concussion awareness coalition from Brain Injury Association of America, Abbott, and 16 other organizations
NYT reviews QCollar; NFL Cannabis restrictions; CGRP protein induces migraines; WaPo answers concussion questions; standardized heart rates work for exercise therapy; postconcussion and depression symptoms associated; PTSD, TBI, & APOE ε4 increase alzheimer’s risk
(12/15/22 Newsletter) Boswellia serrata extract found to have cognitive benefits for traumatic brain injury patients
CBD has therapeutic benefits, undiagnosed concussions affect baseline tests, multidisciplinary clinics, TBI contributes to veteran suicide, medication overprescription for anxiety & PTSD, concussions affect kids’ school performance, domestic abuse survivors more likely to get TBIs than athletes, racial differences in adult ED visits
(12/1/22 Newsletter) Depression app clinical trial: Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine recruiting Service Members & Veterans for Remote CBT Study
Australians need improved provider training & multidisciplinary care centers, microRNA saliva test for persistent symptom risk, socioeconomic & racial disparities in pediatric adherence & referrals, jury finds NCAA not liable in wrongful death suit
(11/10/22 Newsletter) NIH formally acknowledges that CTE is caused partly by repeated TB
All college students need Return-to-Learn, drug reduces neuronal & cognitive impacts, increased delta brain waves, resting connectivity deficits & working memory, concussions & suicidal behavior, youth E-scooter injuries, screening IPV survivors for TBI, NCAA facing trial for wrongful death
(10/27/22 Newsletter) PolarCap’s head cooling speeds recovery in hockey players
Neuroscientist breaks down concussion, moderate screen time okay, nutritional interventions may be helpful, preexisting mental health conditions lead to higher SCAT5 scores, turf fields lead to harder falls, specialization increases injury risk, medical journal retracts more McCrory articles
(10/13/22 Newsletter) Will transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment improve post-concussion symptoms?
Commission findings on TBI, nature walks calm brain’s stress regions, HBOT for pediatric PPCS, delays to specialty care prolong youth recovery, NFL concussion protocol fails, former rugby players 15x more likely to develop neurodegenerative disease
(9/29/22 Newsletter) Study finds traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a “significant risk factor” for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in study of post-9/11 Veterans
risk for lower academic standing, pupillometry-based diagnosis, transitioning from telework, complementary supplement therapy, TBI linked with adolescent behavioral & mental health issues, females under-represented in consensus research, white matter damage and suicide
(9/8/22 Newsletter) Almost 75% of Emergency Department concussion patients aren’t recovered at 2 weeks
MD students need more education, British soccer trials youth header ban, concussion history and elevated symptoms, FIFA World Cup to use VR diagnostic, 1-in-3 kids get PPCS, headgear reduces women’s lacrosse concussions, TBI correlated with homelessness risk
(8/25/22 Newsletter) Free Courses & New Resources
New training courses & webinars, TBI training for law enforcement, padded NFL helmets, acute functional connectivity predicts chronic pain, CBT for depressed vets, mTBI and depression, check for orthostatic tachycardia, King Henry had TBIs
(8/4/22 Newsletter) Study finds causal link between repeated head impacts and CTE
Bodychecking experience doesn’t reduce hockey concussions, visio-vestibular deficit risk factors, eye tracking problems with acute/persistent concussions, regaining identity with post-concussion-symptoms, blood test on neurodegeneration, CBT for headaches & PTSD in veterans, mental health disability risk in collegiate athletes, Increases in childhood consumer-product related TBIs, concussion management gaps in schools, rugby players issue class-action suit
(7/21/22 Newsletter) Electroacupuncture may improve sleep quality in patients with depression
Canadian app helps patients track recovery, 1st MLS player with CTE, psychedelics for veterans, reducing unnecessary CTs, neck sensor patches catch head acceleration, prompt mental health interventions promote recovery & return to work, concussion history increases suicide attempt rate among young people of color with depression, age of first concussion, prevention strategies for girls’ rugby
(7/7/22 Newsletter) Study finds acupuncture effective at treating chronic tension-type headaches
Long-term concussions in youth sports, head impact exposure increases concussion susceptibility, longer white matter tracts more susceptible to injury, green space helps cognition in middle-aged women, nanomaterials for concussion treatment & diagnosis, managing anxiety, 3 or more concussions increase risk of symptom persistence, optometrists can help domestic violence survivors, better safety laws, microglia and neuroinflammation
(6/28/22 Newsletter) Preventing concussions when swimming and diving
soccer substitutions, Maryland subsidizes psychedelic research for vets, microbleeds & white matter damage no associated, subjective vs. objective cognitive function, gene therapy reduces neuroinflammation in mice with TBI, blunted ‘fight or fligth’ in vets with combat/blast exposure, affective symptoms influence symptom provocation tests, athletes’ poor sleep increases concussion risk, a public health framework for CTE
Brain Training software improves cognition in chronic TBI (6/9/22 Newsletter)
Personal story includes great education, acute neck pain associated with higher symptoms, potential oral treatment for concussion, supplement improved sleep and insomnia symptoms in veterans with chronic TBI, Women and people of color at higher risk for depressive symptoms, TBI affects identity in youth, women face poorer long-term outcomes
Two gut microbiota significantly depleted after concussion (5/26/22 Newsletter)
High concussion rates during football targeting calls, psilocybin effective for depression, functional connectivity problems for acute patients, why mindfulness matters, 60 day wait for concussion care, concussion & mental illness, white matter damage
Researchers to trial concussion diagnostics and treatments for long COVID patients (5/12/22 Newsletter)
Concussion increases risk for comorbidities, psilocybin and cbd for TBI anxiety and headache, outcomes worse for collegiate non-sport concussions, need for better education and care pathways for cycling, photography for post-concussive peace, NFL players with adverse childhood experiences at risk for dementia & poor mental health outcomes,
Graded cervical (neck) manual therapy may reduce risk of persistent symptoms for patients with neck pain (4/28/22 Newsletter)
podcast on psychedelics & PTSD, SCAT score inaccuracies, veterans want complementary medicine, persistent symptoms & mental health, return-to-learn symptom relapses not decreasing, ‘medical gaslighting’ of women & POC, former football players &football degenerative disease
Menstrual cycle affects concussion in adolescents (4/14/22 Newsletter)
Med students get inadequate concussion education, AFL restricted research it funded, vestibular problems from peripheral vestibular nerve injury, portable MRI, VA dietitians help vets with TBI, vestibular therapist interview, VA tele TBI programs, concussions & mental health in youth,
Study supports efficacy of new Return to School resource for educators, parents, & students (3/31/22 Newsletter)
staying on the field worsens outcomes, sex & race increase risk for insomnia, updated pediatric guidelines, research grant for new geriatric diagnostic tool, high rates & underdiagnosis of persistent symptoms in children, still no helmets in girls’ lacrosse, new workers’ comp TBI guidelines