M Nadir Haider, MD, PhD
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M Nadir Haider has an MD from Dow Medical College in Pakistan and a PhD in Neuroscience from University at Buffalo, SUNY and currently is a Research Assistant Professor at the Concussion Management Clinic and Research Center, Department of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, University at Buffalo. Nadir has been working on improving trauma management and psychological first aid in developing countries and has co-founded First Response Initiative of Pakistan (FRIP) that provides CPR and CPR instructor courses free-of-cost of in rural villages of Pakistan. He did his Post Doctoral Fellowship under Dr Barry Willer, PhD focusing on chronic impairments after mTBI, and subsequently began researching the pathophysiology of concussions. He has expanded his research towards assessment of the autonomic nervous system and impairments in cerebral blood flow on exertion after brain injuries. His research has led to identification of objective impairments in cerebral autoregulation and cerebrovasoreactivity even after the clinical recovery from mTBI.
Over the past five years, Dr Haider has made several advances in standardizing clinical management of concussions and had authored over fifty publications on concussions, including the first randomized controlled trial proving sub-symptomatic aerobic exercise can safety improve recovery after sport-related concussions. Dr Haider also has a graduate equivalence in statistics and collaborates with many academic institutions world-wide to run multi-center clinical trials. His research is funded by the National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense and the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine.