Light therapy study at the University of Utah
University of Utah TBI Study – Interviews with Participants and Researchers (vol 2)
Updated on February 13, 2023 by Malayka Gormally
Study: Photobiomodulation to Improve Brain Health and Resiliency in Individuals with Repetitive Head Hits
A pilot study on photobiomodulation (PBM) was conducted by The University of Utah TBI and Concussion Center, Department of Neurology School of Medicine. The study is titled Use of PBM to Improve Brain Health and Resiliency in Individuals with Repetitive Head Hits: A Pilot Study. An abstract of the study’s findings was published in July 2022 in the Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. Here is the poster presentation of the findings.
In this 9-minute video produced by the research team, several men who participated in the study talk about their deteriorating health before the study – including their concerns about CTE – and how photobiomodulation (PBM) during the clinical trial substantially improved their physical, cognitive, and mental health. The men have a history of repetitive head hits and concussions from professional contact sports. The wives of the study participants also talk about their experience with their husband’s health and the PBM treatments. The lead researchers explain the science behind PBM and their study and their motivations for embarking on this work.
You can also watch our interview with RJ, one of the study participants, on our blog post, Interview with RJ: his experience with light therapy for symptoms of repetitive head impacts and potential CTE. RJ is a former college and NFL football player who suspects he may have CTE, and he found that the PBM treatment significantly improved his brain health. Our interview with RJ is 30-minutes; we also provide a transcript of the interview.
Are you interested in participating in a new light therapy clinical trial at the University of Utah?
The Utah research team is in the planning stages for a new study of photobiomodulation for symptoms of repetitive head impacts or concussions. Concussion Alliance is in touch with the researchers, and we will announce the call for study participants on our Concussion Update newsletter; subscribe here.
For general inquiries about photobiomodulation studies at the University of Utah TBI and Concussion Center, contact Dr. Larry Carr at
Would you like to learn more about light therapy?
See our treatment page on Light therapy (photobiomodulation).
In an interview, RJ discusses his potential CTE and his positive experience as a participant in a University of Utah photobiomodulation (light therapy) study. RJ played high school and college football, experiencing repetitive head impacts and multiple concussions.