
Melissa Sodko Melissa Sodko

Not just for student-athletes anymore. Why an official Return-to-Learn (RTL) protocol is necessary for all college students

Developing and implementing an age-appropriate concussion return-to-learn (RTL) program for college students is an under-studied area in research. Through interviews with students and academic stakeholders, a study identified that, while college students felt supported by their instructors, academic faculty lacked the information on appropriate academic supports and pathways to facilitate an RTL process for the student.

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Interview, TBI Shelly Seth and Olivia Collis Interview, TBI Shelly Seth and Olivia Collis

Groundbreaking work on an evidence-based Return to Learn program

Dr. Monica Vavilala is is an anesthesiologist and director of Harborview’s Injury Prevention and Research Center, based in Seattle. In her interview, she describes the Return-to-Learn pilot Program that she and her team have created, which, thanks to a grant from the CDC, they will implement and study at 24 public high schools across Washington State.

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