Concussion Alliance CEO spoke to 2nd-year Medical School Students in California
On January 13th, 2025, Concussion Alliance Co-founder and CEO Conor Gormally presented to the class of 2nd-year medical school students at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine in Vallejo, California.
New tools from CATT and PedsConcussion for screening, diagnosis, and management of brain injury due to intimate partner violence
PedsConcussion, the Living Guideline for Pediatric Concussion, has published a Supplement: Intimate Partner Violence-Related Head and Neck Trauma. The Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) for Women’s Support Workers has a free online training course on brain injury and intimate partner violence.
Analysis of interviews with secondary school educators reveals the need for better concussion education and protocols
A analysis found that concussion knowledge often depends on personal experience, teachers were “not exposed to concussion education as part of their training,” and that structured concussion education and recognition protocols are needed immediately in Irish secondary schools
Replacing the term "subconcussive" to improve understanding of brain injuries
A team of experts argues that the term “subconcussive” should be replaced by the term “non-concussive” when referring to head impacts.
College students have limited concussion knowledge, colleges should allocate resources to students’ sources
From a survey given to a random sample of 208 college students, the authors concluded that students of both sexes demonstrated a limited understanding of the symptoms, consequences, and appropriate management of concussions–though females scored slightly higher.
Massive Open Online Course is effective at providing concussion education
As reported in a recent study, a massive open online course (MOOC) developed by Laval University (Quebec, Canada) offering education on concussion was found to have considerable success, suggesting courses like this could be an important tool for spreading concussion prevention and treatment information in the future.
Post-concussion academic supports in higher education: new efforts to address continuing gaps
A recent report by Memmini and colleagues identifies key principles of return-to-learn for college athletes to explore how non-athletes fare in the college classroom after a concussion.
The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation special issue on chronic pain
The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation dedicated its latest issue to chronic pain after TBI, featuring a series of ten papers. A press release by UW Medicine describes the team’s survey findings that about 60% of the 3,800 patients from the TBI cohort reported current or previous chronic pain.
Brain injury from intimate partner violence–a medical provider resource
There is a significant gap in knowledge and guidance on handling IPV-related injuries among medical providers. To address this gap, Canadian organizations have collaborated to develop a resource to aid healthcare professionals in understanding and managing these injuries effectively.
Executive Dysfunction Unveiled: 7 Key Effects to Watch Out For After a Brain Injury
Most everyday tasks involve a type of thinking called executive function. These executive function skills are responsible for accomplishing tasks and problem-solving. When one experiences an injury to the brain, resulting executive dysfunction can make it challenging to navigate through everyday life.
Concussion education program for high school athletes is achieving success
A web-based concussion education initiative sponsored by the Barrow Neurological Institute, Barrow Brainbook, has reached over one million high school athletes in Arizona since its establishment in 2011. The initiative teaches students how to prevent concussions, recognize the signs and symptoms of concussions, and respond to concussions.