Self-care Apps for Veterans
Apps designed for military mTBI and co-occurring mental health issues
Researchers at the Uniformed Servies University are developing self-care apps for service members and veterans with a history of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI /concussion) and co-occurring mental health issues. The research team is recruiting service members, veterans, and civilians tor studies of these apps. For more information, see our page, Participate in remote studies for mTBI treatment.:
CBT-i Coach is a free app to help with sleep, using cognitive behavioral therapy
CBT-i Coach is a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) app developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy apps were found to be effective in combating insomnia in a 2017 research study. The study also concluded the CBT apps have “likely benefits beyond sleep to mental health and well-being.” NPR has an excellent article (Oct 8, 2018) about CBT apps for insomnia, in which several sleep doctors recommend the CBT-i Coach.
Download the app for free on iTunes and Google Play.
VA Apps for PTSD, Substance Abuse, Military Sexual Trauma, and other issues
The VA has created a full suite of apps to help “provide self-help, education and support following trauma.” We’ve listed the apps below; go to the VA website.for links to the apps.
Self Help: These apps support and guidance in living with PTSD
PTSD Coach
PTSD Family Coach
Beyond MST (military sexual trauma)
Mindfulness Coach
VetChange - helps users with PTSD develop skills to reduce problem drinking
AIMS - anger and irritability management skills
These apps offer additional help for PTSD treatments.
CPT Coach - CPT Coach is a free mobile application (app) for patients in Cognitive Processing Therapy with a mental health provider. CPT is a treatment companion app that helps you complete the tasks of treatment.
PE Coach - PE Coach is a treatment companion that helps you and your therapist work through the Prolonged Exposure treatment manual.
CBT-i Coach - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is an evidence-based psychotherapy for treating insomnia. CBT-i Coach is a mobile app for people who have trouble sleeping and are engaged in CBT-I with a mental health care provider.
ACT Coach - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) aims to help you live with unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and impulses without avoiding them or being controlled by them. In ACT, you are encouraged to commit to actions so that you can live your life by your values, even in the face of these unpleasant experiences.
ACT Coach was developed for Veterans, Service members, and other people who are in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in consultation with a therapist. It offers exercises, tools, information, and tracking logs so you can practice what you're learning in your daily life.
STAIR Coach - STAIR Coach supplements psychotherapy using Skills Training in Affective & Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR).
STAIR is an evidence-based cognitive behavioral form of psychotherapy designed to help with emotion regulation and interpersonal relationship problems that traumatized people commonly experience.