Participate in Research–Including
Studies of New Treatments
In-Person Studies
Call for study participants: military veterans who have had concussions and/or a traumatic brain injury, including any injury to your head or neck that caused you to lose consciousness or feel dazed/confused/experience a gap in memory. This includes brain injury resulting from exposure to blasts. Your participation in research could help inform the future of TBI treatment for fellow veterans.
Eligibility: it’s been at least one year since your military service, and you are willing to participate in a 4-5 hour study visit in EITHER New York City OR Seattle, Washington. A study visit will include a brief set of thinking tests, an interview with surveys, a blood draw, and an MRI scan.
Participants will receive a copy of their MRI scan and research visit summary, be compensated for their time participating in the study, and be given modest support for travel expenses (e.g., ground transportation to the study site) upon request. Read our blog post for more information.
Remote Studies–age 18 and older
For ages 18–70, an app to combat depression after concussion
Click here or on the image above for a PDF of the flyer
Participants needed for a study using an app to combat depression after concussion. The app provides online activities based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) principles.
Eligibility: individuals 18-70 years old with a history of concussion.
The study is open to civilians even though the flyer says the study is designed for veterans and service members.
Participants will use the app daily for 12 weeks and complete questionnaires every other week for 16 weeks from the comfort of their own homes.
Up to $50 compensation is being offered for participation.
Dr. David Brody is performing the study at the Henry M. Jackson Foundation and Uniformed Services University.
Interested? Email CNRM-D@usuhs.edu or call/text (301) 461-4322.
For ages 18 and older–a referral program for multiple research teams, includes treatments
Click here or on the image above for a PDF of the flyer
When you register with the TROOPS referral program, you will be connected with multiple research teams, several of which are recruiting for studies of treatments for concussion (mTBI).
Civilians, as well as service members and veterans, are welcome to sign up, and there is no upper age limit.
TBI Research Opportunities and Outreach for Participation in Studies (TROOPS) is a website-based referral program from the Military Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative (MTBI2).
TROOPS helps people 18 years and older with a concussion get in touch with relevant studies that match their needs and availability.
Self-enrollment takes less than 10 minutes, and participation is completely non-obligatory.
To enroll or learn more, visit troops.mtbi2.nih.gov.
For ages 18–35, 4 virtual sessions to help optimize recovery from a recent concussion
Click here or on the image above for a PDF of the flyer
This study is not specific to service members or veterans.
Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School are offering a free program to help optimize recovery from a recent concussion.
Who can participate?
Ages 18-35 years old
Have a concussion from the previous 10 weeks
English fluency
What does it involve?
Participate in 4 virtual sessions (45 minutes each)
The sessions will take place from the comfort of your own home using secure live-video
Complete 3 sets of questionnaires online through secure link about your emotional functioning and concussion symptoms.
Participants can receive up to $90 for participating in the program and answering questionnaires.
No cost, no medication and no travel. Want to learn more? Email MGHConcussionToolkit@partners.org