
Pathophysiology Zoe Heart Pathophysiology Zoe Heart

Mouse model shows possibilities of reversing memory deficits after repeated mild head impacts

A study published in The Journal of Neuroscience found that in mice, memory loss after being subjected to a high frequency of mild head impacts was linked to a deficiency in synaptic plasticity rather than “a loss of neural infrastructure.” There is the possibility that “cognitive impairment caused by head impact” could be clinically reversed.

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medical care, Therapies Ian Scott medical care, Therapies Ian Scott

Virtual reality, augmented reality, and other games may provide remote cognitive rehab to patients during COVID-19

A review article published in the Frontiers of Neurology investigated the potential of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), serious games (SG’s), and telerehabilitation techniques to facilitate cognitive rehabilitation therapy. Elisa Mantovani et al. found these techniques to be highly engaging when performed at home by study participants.

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