Concussion Update Newsletter
See below for previous editions.
Our biweekly Concussion Update newsletter provides thoughtful synopses of new research, news related to concussions, listings of free webinars, and calls for study participants for research.
Intern Newsletter–New diagnostics and imaging lead to greater understanding of concussions (12/15/23 Newsletter)
identifying executive dysfunction, soccer headers affect brain microstructure, medical cannabis and PTSD, cerebral microstructure reorganization, vision therapy for concussion, blood oxygen variability indicates functional and vascular disturbance, low level training blasts add up for US troops, increased suicidal ideation in high schoolers with concussion, pathology of intimate partner violence, blood biomarkers of neurodegeneration in boxers
Special Veterans Day edition: Join concussion diagnosis and treatment studies (11/10/23 Newsletter)
Dual-task assessments more effective, firing heavy weaponry causes damage, elevated stroke risk, cognitive decline in veterans with TBI history
Concussed adolescents are returning to driving sooner than might be safe (10/19/23 Newsletter)
Faster recovery earlier in the season for sports-related concussions, MDMA-assisted therapy is more effective for PTSD than therapy alone; early speech-language pathology screening can aid in timely referral and treatment; individuals with pre-existing disability; improving fatigue The Standard Advice for Concussions is Wrong
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: Highly Effective and Easily Accessible (10/5/23 Newsletter)
Questions about the Q-collar, hypertension and concussion recovery, sleep-wake disturbances, mental health & musculoskeletal injury, pediatric posttraumatic headache.
Neuroinflammation found in athletes with persistent post-concussive symptoms (9/14/23 Newsletter)
exercise-induced vision dysfunction predicts persisting symptoms, hormonal contraception doesn’t affect 3 baseline tests, Football players’ increased parkinson’s rates
Chronic cannabis use may protect young adult athletes from the effects of subconcussive head impacts (8/24/23 Newsletter)
College students need better concussion plans, pro soccer heading frequency associated with dementia, chronic cannabis use may be neuroprotective from subconcussive hits, no significant associations between neck strength and concussion risk, concussion spotters in WWC
Brain fitness program improves symptoms in post-concussion syndrome patients (8/10/23 Newsletter)
TBI-associated depression is its own disorder–transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) may help; auditory processing reveals subconcussive head impact history; youth tackle football perceptions; first CTE in a female athlete, Women's World Cup & soccer safety.
Blood pressure drug shows promise in preventing posttraumatic headaches (7/20 Newsletter)
CBD & THC for anxiety disorders; moderate to vigorous physical activity linked to faster symptom recovery; promoting mental health in schools–but take into account social inequalities; females have disrupted brain activity not seen in males
Lifetime exposure to cumulative force of repeated head impacts is strongly associated with CTE (7/14/23 Newsletter)
Light exercise within 48 hrs of concussion, soccer heading, IV ketamine for migraine, PTSD and poor sleep, psychological factors contributing to persistent symptoms
Early intervention vestibular therapy linked to shorter recovery times (7/7/23 Newsletter)
College students’ limited knowledge, microglial activation outlasts clinical recovery, benefits of physical fitness, telehealth graded exercise test, high risk for suicide among military with mTBI, active rehab for youth
Changes in gut bacteria found to indicate a concussion; potential treatments (6/29/23 Newsletter)
A small pilot study published in Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health found that athletes experience a decrease in two types of helpful bacteria (Eubacterium rectale and Anaerostipes hadrus) in the gut after sustaining a concussion.
Even a single concussion can lead to the emergence of a new mental health disorder in adolescents (6/15/23 Newsletter)
Neuroendocrine dysfunction, walking the dog and a growing concern about concussions, cognitive deficits in IPV survivors, elevated head trauma rates in refugees and asylum seekers, low levels of myelin and repetitive head impacts
Increased risk of criminal behavior after mTBI (6/1/23 Newsletter)
A New Zealand study found that people who have experienced a single mild TBI had an “increased risk of criminal behavior.”
Post-concussion sleep problems associated with persistent symptoms (5/18/23 Newsletter)
A study by Samantha N. Magliato et al. found that those who reported sleep problems in an initial clinic visit developed persistent post-concussive symptoms at twice the rate of those who did not report sleep problems after a concussion.
45% of concussion patients show brain injury symptoms at six months (5/4/23 Newsletter)
A research team found that a mild brain injury can create changes in coordination between different regions of the brain (thalamic hyperconnectivity) and that these changes were related to their findings that 45% of the study participants still had symptoms such as cognitive impairment, depression, and most commonly, headaches, poor concentration, and fatigue at six months post-injury.
Athletes with sport-related concussions have increased speech errors (4/20/23 Newsletter)
thalamus connectivity predicts persistent symptoms, dad writes book to explain symptoms to his daughter, innovation in prescribing aerobic exercise therapy,mental health and youth, students not getting care, new IPV-TBI screening module
Combined exercise and biofeedback-guided breathing more helpful than either alone, preliminary findings say (3/23/23 Newsletter)
Medical cannabis helps quality of life for chronic pain, ‘cervical spine disorder,’ moderate-to-vigorous exercise as good or better for mental health than medication, NFL exposure may affect cognitive declines, Swedish pro soccer players have higher dementia risk than the general population
(3/9/23 Newsletter) Neuroprotective properties of CBD may support TBI recovery
1/3 of children get follow-up for ED mental health, prescribed rest worsens symptoms, adolescent cognitive function impaired 1-6 months, history of CTE, CTE and repeated head impacts
(2/23/23 Newsletter) Migraine medication may help with post-traumatic cervicogenic headache
concussion pathway for neurodivergent & disabled students, no cognitive issues for 3 seasons of NCAA soccer, balance training, free emergency services for veterans, high proportion of football players’ brains studied have cte
(2/9/23 Newsletter) Significant improvements in 4 former football players with possible CTE: transcranial photobiomodulation case studies
Dolphins QB concussion risk, 3+ concussions = worse cognition later in life, fatigue, saliva test, psychological conditions, school problems, neurodegenerative risk in rugby players